Preparation for Adulthood

The four preparing for adulthood outcomes form the structure for the curriculum:

Employability – this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies.

Independence – this means young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living.

Community Inclusion – participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships and participating in and contributing to the local community.

Health & Wellbeing – being as healthy as possible in adult life.

These outcomes are delivered holistically as part of a personalised study programme, embedded within the curriculum. Students study a range of vocational subjects, which are related to each other to improve transferability of skills. The outcomes are personalised and focused on the young person’s aspirations, supporting as independent aΒ life as possible.

Each student has a personalised college plan where their aims are defined by them and the circle of support around them. The steps for developing transferable skills and the actions to be taken are defined and broken down to provide sequential learning with support from our Therapeutic Services Team. In this way learning is targeted to ensure success.

All students, as part of their study programme are engaged in independence and employment skills training, functional English and Maths, along with a selection of social enterprise projects as part of our employability and vocational training options. Every student has a personal tutor dedicated to them and will receive weekly tutorial time, both 1-1 and in small groups.

Students take part in learning experiences in the local and wider community and have the opportunity to look outwards rather than inwards, widening participation and improving social integration

Students are be able to move into adulthood more effectively with increased confidence and resilience relevant to their personal circumstances. They are supported to transition from college with effective networks in place to build on the transferable skills they have developed, demonstrate trust in those who support them and maintain safe relationships with peers.

Students’ families are able to recognise the difference in their approach to adult life and to feel reassured that they will be able to cope when difficulties are presented to them.

In summary, students are effectively prepared for adulthood, to be a part of and contribute to their local community.

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