Our philosophy
The principal aim of the college is to enable every student to develop independence through learning in a college and a community environment that offers warmth, security and consistency.
A purposeful and calm atmosphere is encouraged through the professional approach adopted by all staff. Trust and a positive rapport between the students and the staff underpin the ethos of the college.
Positive behaviour support (PBS) is the framework we use to support what we do. It is values driven, evidence-based and practical. Focusing on students’ rights provides the ethical compass which guides our approach. We understand that behaviours of concern arise from an interaction between a studentβs needs and the environment and strive to provide a college environment which maximises learning. Holistic assessment enables high quality personalised support to achieve learning outcomes for students which are meaningful to them. PBS is a compassionate approach to supporting students to have a good quality of life and in doing so, minimises the risk of behaviours of concern.
Our philosophy and practices are aimed at ensuring that everyone, whatever their background or their circumstances has the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy life and achieve, make a positive contribution and attain economic wellbeing.
We aim to meet the spiritual, social, moral and cultural needs of the students by promoting the following principles:
- Helping students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence;
- Helping students to respect the law and other young peopleβs rights;
- Promote positive behaviours for learning to help all the students reach their full academic potential;
- Encouraging students to accept responsibility for their behaviour where this is possible and appropriate, given their specific needs and to show initiative and understand how they can contribute to community life;
- Providing students with a broad general knowledge of citizenship
- Assisting students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures, in a way that promotes tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions;
- Helping students to develop skills for employment and where appropriate supporting opportunities for voluntary or paid work, supported internships and/or apprenticeships
Equality, diversity, disability access and Fundamental British Values
We provide an inclusive communication environment where students have access to information in a range of formats including speech, signing and symbols.
We respect the fundamental human right of every student not to be discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, gender and sexual orientation.
Mercury College actively promotes the British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect/tolerance of all faiths and beliefs.